Let's talk about Satan:
"For this reason, when I could bear it no longer, I sent to learn about your faith, for fear that somehow the tempter had tempted you and our labor would be in vain." - 1Th 3:5
In a previous Theology Thursday we mentioned that, like God (since Satan is an imitator of God), Satan has various names that express a quality of character, or a method of operation, or both. In the above verse we see such a name.
The Tempter
This name indicates his constant purpose and endeavor to incite man to sin. He presents the most plausible excuses and suggests the most striking advantages for sinning. Tempting humans is one of the main tactics he uses in his opposition to God and the work of Christ. This type of tactic is shown in the temptation of Jesus, the parable of the weeds (Mat 13:24-30), and in the sin of Judas (Luk 22:3).
For Paul, Satan can use sexual desire to cause unfaithfulness (1Co 7:5), but while there is a real possibility of failure on the part of the individual, comfort can be taken in God's being faithful and not allowing believers to be tempted beyond what they can endure (1Co 10:13).
"Count it all you when ye fall into divers temptations, knowing this that the trial of your faith worth patience."
What happens to you when you fall into temptation? How do you resist the honeyed words of Satan? What do you think about The Tempter? Please let us know!
Thiessen, Henry. Lectures in Systematic Theology (p. 203). Eerdmans Publishing Co
Erickson, Millard. Christian Theology 3rd Edition (p. 417). Baker Publishing Group
New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (p. 815). InterVarsity Press
That's a very interesting thought! It makes a lot of sense to me even though I don't see anything explicit in scripture. But Satan does so love to imitate God.
I wonder...Jesus said whenever two are gathered in My Name, there I am in your mist.
I think if two or more are gathered in Satan's name, there he is in their mist as well. He will cause great calamity.
Let's all think on that when we talk about someone in an unloving way.