I tend to believe in a pre-tribulation rapture for a few reasons:
1. The church is mentioned in the first three chapters of revelation and then it's not mentioned again until Rev 22:16. It's as though the church isn't there through the tribulation.
2. The Bible describes two facets of Christ's second coming: (A) He will come for His church to escort her to His Father's house (Jhn 14:3; 1Th 4:16), and (B) He will come with His saints when He descends from heaven to judge His enemies and establish His glorious 1000 year kingdom on Earth (Zec 14:4-5; 1Th 3:13). Pre-trib rapture makes sense of these two situations.
3. Jesus' saves the church from divine wrath (Eph 2:3-5, 1Th 5:9). This seems to be God's pattern. Like with Lot's family (Gen 18-19) and Enoch's rapture and Noah's family for the flood. Rev 3:10-11
I have more reasons but I think that's enough for now. What do you think? Love to hear it!